For this BONUS Patreon episode, we asked our Patrons to send in songs about drinking and/or drugs. Real talk: Alcohol/Drugs in excess can be bad, but songs about them can be awesome! If you'd like to participate in these episodes, please consider...
When this week's guest, singer/songwriter Elizabeth McCullough (Alpha Cat), heard the song 'Hoover Dam' by the band Sugar, she broke her 3-song rule (making sure an album has at least 3 good songs before purchasing it) and ran out and bought their...
Listening back to it now, it's hard to believe that Bad Religion's seventh studio album - 1993s 'Recipe For Hate' - was at the time considered a polarizing record that many hardcore fans felt was a sell-out. 30 years later, it's clear this was a band...
Buckle-up listeners! This week's guest Jeff Kaiser of the Florida Sound Archive Podcast brings us a record - and genre - that got his teenage self extremely high: It's the 1995 debut album by Tampa Death Metal supergroup Six Feet Under (featuring members of Cannibal Corpse and...
Record store owner and self-professed 'music geek' David Lewis (Elizabeth's Records - Columbus, OH) thinks we should never stop discovering new (to us) music. He's right. Around 10 years ago he came upon the 1972 debut album by German...
Buckle-up haters, because returning guest Bobbie Jo brings us mega-selling pop star Harry Styles' third release, 2022's 'Harry's House'. It's a record engineered to make you feel good. Styles - along with producer/collaborators Kid...
For Halloween 2022 we asked our Patrons to send in a song or music that was used in a movie scene that made it MUCH more tense, terrifying...etc. They didn't just stick to horror films - any movie where a song/music was used in a scene to ratchet-up...
If you are unfamiliar with British rock band The Bevis Frond and its founder, singer/multi-instrumentalist Nick Saloman, you have some serious catching up to do. Releasing glorious pop/punk/psyche records at a feverish pace since the late 80s, they...
While many fans of British band The The (aka Matt Johnson) might immediately point to earlier albums Soul Mining or Mind Bomb as proof-of-concept, this week's guest Marcia Potts brings us 1993's 'Dusk' to consider. With a crack band - including...
Our old pal Todd Nolan from Nashville Tennessee brings us a barn-burner of an album this week. The Geraldine Fibbers' sophomore - and final - record, 'Butch', is a weird, wild amalgamation of alt-country, punk, Appalachian fiddle music, speed metal...
For the official start of our SIXTH season, musician/composer/producer/instrument designer Markus Reuter brings us an album that grabbed onto his psyche as a teenager in Germany and STILL captivates him over 30 years later: 'Thunder and Consolation'...
For this BONUS 'Mixtape Episode', we invited guitarist Cheetah Chrome (Dead Boys, Rocket From the Tombs) to curate a mixtape and dug into his selections. From growing up in Cleveland listening to rock-and-roll radio like CKLW out of Detroit to his mom...