Season 6

April 29, 2023

S6E287 - Mike Watt 'Contemplating The Engine Room' with Mike Baggetta

Guitarist and Songwriter Mike Baggetta came across Mike Watt's 1997 punk rock opera 'Contemplating The Engine Room' at just the right time for him. Watt's expansive and highly personal song cycle that uses navy life as an extended metaphor for both...

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April 22, 2023

S6E286 - Urge Overkill 'Saturation' with Karl Ueberbacher

Record purveyor Karl Ueberbacher (Phoenix Records, Waitsfield Vermont) nixed his original album pick for a more in-your-face Spring-centric selection, 1993's 'Saturation' by Chicago postmodern rockers Urge Overkill. Shedding their noise-rock roots -...

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April 15, 2023

S6E285 - Depeche Mode 'Violator' with Sarah Nichols

With their seventh release, 1990s 'Violator', Depeche Mode completed their transformation from quirky synth-pop pioneers to international rock stars. A more stripped-down, sinister sound aided by producer Flood perfectly showcases these dark songs...

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April 8, 2023

S6E284 - Van Halen '1984' with Aug Stone

Author Aug Stone (Nick Cave's Bar, Off-License To Kill) joins us to discuss his latest book, the bonkers rock-n-roll novel 'The Ballad of Buttery Cake Ass', and a record that blew his 8-year-old mind: Van Halen's '1984'. Might as well jump! Songs...

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April 5, 2023

S6E283 - 'That OTHER Song By That Band/Artist Everyone Knows That One…

For this BONUS Patron-curated episode, we asked our Patrons to send in a song by a band/artist that's best known for ANOTHER song. So, there's this band. Many people know them by that one song. You know, "That band that did that song." Here's the...

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April 1, 2023

S6E282 - The Breeders 'Pod' with Todd Philips

Drummer Todd Philips (Bullet LaVolta, Juliana Hatfield Three, Lemonheads) makes his third appearance on the podcast and brings in yet another Boston - by way of Dayton, OH - classic, the 1990 debut album by The Breeders: 'Pod'.  Songs featured in...

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March 25, 2023

S6E281 - Electric Light Orchestra 'ELO's Greatest Hits' with Jeff Gre…

Returning guest, television writer, producer and director Jeff Greenstein (Will & Grace, Friends, Desperate Housewives), makes the case that Electric Light Orchestra were - at their core - a fantastic 'singles' band. The 1979 compilation 'ELO's...

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March 18, 2023

S6E280 - Fleet Foxes 'Shore' with Tom Lawery

Released exactly at the autumnal equinox on September 22, 2020, 'Shore' - the ambitious release by Robin Pecknold under the guise of his Seattle band Fleet Foxes - is a sonically adventurous journey through the musical heroes and influences that...

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March 11, 2023

S6E279 - Prince 'Parade' with Nora O'Connor

Chicago-based singer/multi-instrumentalist Nora O'Connor has toured and recorded with the Decemberists, Neko Case, The New Pornographers and many more. This week she joins TRGMH to discuss a record/artist that never ceases to get her high: 'Parade' by...

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March 4, 2023

S6E278 - Shirk Circus 'Words To Say' with Dan Bonebrake

Hey, do you like The Descendents, Lemonheads, All and Teenage Fanclub? Guess what? Shirk Circus might just be your favorite band you've never heard of! Bass Player/Singer/Songwriter Dan Bonebrake (Dashboard Confessional, Lightworkers, The Enablers)...

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Feb. 25, 2023

S6E277 - Sebadoh 'Bakesale' with Keith Michaud

Musician Keith Michaud (The Lightworkers) brings us the fifth album by indie rock titans Sebadoh, 'Bakesale'. With this release, Lou Barlow and co. managed to bridge their lo-fi beginnings with pure pop power chords, producing a collection of songs...

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Feb. 20, 2023

S6E276 - 'That Song Makes Me Happy' Patron-curated Episode

For this BONUS Patreon episode we asked our Patrons to submit songs that make them happy and tell us why they do. It's a pretty joyful collection of songs guaranteed to make you feel good. Come on, get happy! Songs featured in this episode: Happy...

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Feb. 18, 2023

S6E275 - The Tragically Hip 'Fully Completely' with Eric Loehrmann

Beloved in their native Canada but often unheralded elsewhere, Kingston Ontario's The Tragically Hip made intelligent, intensely evocative rock music that won them legions of fans in the Great White North. Their final concert in 2016 - after lead...

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Feb. 11, 2023

S6E274 - Kraut 'An Adjustment To Society' with Joey Maya

This episode is about as punk rock as you can get: short, loud and to the point! Returning guest Joey Maya aka Joey Wrecked (The Reactions, Battalion of Saints, The Drummer of Miami Beach) brings us 'An Adjustment To Society' by early-80s NYC...

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Feb. 4, 2023

S6E273 - The Damned 'Strawberries' with Mark Williams

Birmingham UK drummer Mark Williams (The Jacobites) joins us this week to discuss 'Strawberries', the fifth studio album - and final one featuring their classic late-70s line-up of Vanian, Sensible, Gray and Scabies - by British punk Gods The Damned....

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Jan. 28, 2023

S6E272 - Superdrag 'Head Trip In Every Key' with Marko DeSantis

Los Angeles musician Marko DeSantis (Sugarcult) is a rock and roll lifer. Coming up in the Santa Barbara, CA music scene in the mid-90s, he's made hit records, toured the world and knows a LITTLE bit about the music-business angst described in...

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Jan. 21, 2023

S6E271 - 'That Song Broke My Heart, And Got Me High' Patron-curated E…

For this Patreon episode, we asked our Patrons once again to send in songs that break their hearts every time they hear them. They did NOT disappoint. Make sure you have a box of tissues within reach... Songs featured in this episode: Don't Look Back...

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Jan. 15, 2023

S6E270 - Bonus Mixtape Episode with Sam Fogarino of Interpol

For this BONUS 'Mixtape Episode', we invited drummer Sam Fogarino (Interpol) to curate a mixtape and dug into his selections. Sam's mixtape: 1.Auf Wiedersehen - Cheap Trick 2.Smash It Up - The Damned 3.Panorama - The Cars 4.Mustopha Dance - The Clash...

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Jan. 14, 2023

S6E269 - Glass Eye 'Bent By Nature' with Larry Smith

This week's guest Larry Smith brings us a record by the critically acclaimed, highly influential but criminally unheralded 80s Austin TX band Glass Eye. 'Bent By Nature' is a melodic-yet-quirky, highly intelligent collection of post-punk tunes with...

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Jan. 7, 2023

S6E268 - Andy Partridge 'Take Away / The Lure of Salvage' with Kevin …

Strap-in for this one, XTC fans: Record/Hot Sauce purveyor Kevin Chanel (Grooves Inspiralled Vinyl/El Enojado Hot Sauce) brings us a curious musical oddity called 'Take Away / The Lure of Salvage', the 1980 debut record by XTC frontman Andy Partridge...

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Dec. 24, 2022

S6E266 - Big Thief 'Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You' with C…

Guitarist/vocalist Chris O'Rourke and drummer/vocalist Rachael McNally - two-thirds of the Boston band Sleepyhead - brings us a double record as intriguingly mysterious and expansive as its name: 'Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You' by Brooklyn...

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Dec. 17, 2022

S6E265 - Wilco 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot' with Steve Carroll

Wilco's fourth studio album, the quirky-yet-beloved 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot', is widely considered to be the band's masterpiece. So of course Rob dismissed it as overhyped alt-rock critic-bait for 20 years. Returning guest Steve Carroll patiently...

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Dec. 10, 2022

S6E264 - Badfinger 'Straight Up' with Rich Ulloa

It's hard to discuss British rock band Badfinger and NOT focus on the tragic details of their too-short career. This week's guest, legendary Miami music maven Rich Ulloa (Yesterday & Today Records, Y&T Music), doesn't shy away from the dark parts,...

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Dec. 3, 2022

S6E262 - Metronomy 'The English Riviera' with Joshua Mackenzie

With their third full-length album, 2011's 'The English Riviera', British band Metronomy transitioned from garish electro-pop to a sleek, sophisticated sound that's as much Steely Dan as Daft Punk. Our guest, Scottish singer/songwriter and producer...

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