S1E8 – The Smiths "Strangeways Here We Come" with guest Brian Franklin

The first three-person voyage into the inky black…
The first three-person voyage into the inky blackness of That Record Got Me High commences with Brian Franklin, long-time Smiths fan, songwriter and worthy adversary for the grizzled boneheads Rob and Barry. We light the unreliable engines and streak skyward on a rocket with Morrissey's coiffed visage painted on the nosecone, and Johnny Marr's programs at the helm. Place your bets on whether we crash and burn, and give us your unvarnished feedback at trgmh33@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/ThatRecordGotMeHigh/ We are also available to listen to on RadioPublic at... https://radiopublic.com/that-record-got-me-high-podcast-WDRpMp http://ThatRecordGotMeHigh.com
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Brian Franklin
Writer/Communications Consultant
Brian Franklin has been a communications professional for 25 years, working as an advertising and marketing consultant, political consultant, and wedding speechwriter. Long ago, he played music in bands with people, mostly in the South Florida area. He is the co-writer of Hearing Damage (The Rat Opera) with Rob Elba and hosts the podcast, Achievements & Strategies.